The Buyer's Inspector - Call 800 801-5247

Reasons to Call Us!

1) We can help you make an educated decision about one of your largest purchases!!
We give you he information that you need to make a well informed decision about your home or commercial property.

2) We work for you!
We are there on the buyer's behalf. Your interest is our interest.

3) We are experienced!

Our firm has provided over 4000 inspections since 1986.

4) We are certified!

Our inspectors are members of the American Society of Home Inspectors.

5) We put it in writing!

You will receive a 25 page report, including a summary of major concerns, IMMEDIATELY.

6) We will explain it!

During and after the inspection we will show you what we are finding and help you to understand what we see.

7) Our Customers are happy!

They recommend us to their friends, family and associates.



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